Eric Chistopher Hitt

Birth Date:

In game Name:

Lafayette, LA

Weapons of Choice:
mostly any pistol or smg; usp or glock, i'm not one for "spray and pray"
sniping with pistols is my expertise

zm: highschool_beta, roy highway, four corners of course.
wcs: Italy, nipperhouse, crackhouse, aztec.

Reason for App:
Well, I've been on the servers for at least 2 years coming up on three soon i think. my rank is high on zm, and I have been an admin for a couple months. To the best of my knowledge ive been a reasonable admin. I am not one to back down from anything and i will stick with the group through the tough times. a few people have told me to apply, so i decided to.

ive been playing pc since diablo, ive played the blizzard line up and been through wow. Ive been playing CS since the original was out, the one when you could go through the training level, rank on zm is 29 as of the moment, levels on wcs somewhere near 410. im a heavy fps player and focus on css.

About me:
I've played steadily on the zm server, and recently switched over to the wcs. i know most regulars on the zm server and the wcs server. also, I stop by the GG and pub server every now and then.

I am a senior in high school, IQ(140), act(30), gpa(....lets not go there). I drive a mercedes c320, 2001.

Big fan of monk, psych, house and chuck. I watch a couple animes but not to often as of the moment. i keep up with a selected group of mangas and have a collection.

I am planning to attend ULL in fall 2010 for computer science. i am trying to learn how to program to get ready for that so any suggestions or help would be great. i am willing to devote my time, which is plentiful, and skills to IBIS.