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Thread: i need help windows live!

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  1. Default

    Something must be blocking windows live I guess.

  2. Default

    Disable any firewall you have on your computer for wireless connections.

    Got a blister? Ibuprofen. Can't feel from your waist down? Ibuprofen. Got a spider bite? Ibuprofen. - SPC S-Rod & Me

  3. Default

    I would look up a save game hack that bypasses the windows live system. Making you be connected to the internet to save a fucking game is a gay form of DRM. Pirates still get around it and once again its the customer that suffers.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by loka View Post
    Disable any firewall you have on your computer for wireless connections.
    Yeah the first thing i would check is your firewall maybe for some reason the port number is being blocked.

  5. Default ok ok

    i dont have a tv so how would i use a 360 plus i am a PC kinda guy but anyways i spent an hour and a half on the the phone with games for windows live and yep to figure out none of my ports are open so they tell me to call netgear and have them help me do that i even have the list of ports that need to be open for this and FUCK netgear! you only get a 3 month tech support help thats fucked up! AHHHHH this is really getting to be lame! anyone no how to open ports!

  6. Default

    fuck me! ugh so i added all the ports like i was told to and when i go to use port cheacker it still says there not open or un reachable! any help

  7. Default

    Are you signing onto the modem with a PW? If so just disable the password. I never understood why people put PW on their router unless they have sensitive personal information, or live in dorm/apartment complex where you don't want to share connection.

    To disable anything, you're going to have to log onto where the computer is connected to the router. Disable the password so you won't use one. Normally I get shit for this, but honestly the only reason why we have ours locked is because of my father's accounting business & I had set up my old college apartments router because my roommates and I were not comfortable giving our internet to other people. :P

    Got a blister? Ibuprofen. Can't feel from your waist down? Ibuprofen. Got a spider bite? Ibuprofen. - SPC S-Rod & Me

  8. Default

    The solution would have not been to buy those games in the first place. If you had read my bioshock 2 thread you would have seen that I am boycotting that game for that exact reason.

    Also you probity have the ports blocked on your actual computer not just on the router...

  9. Default

    how would i unblock them

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