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Thread: Spain owns Russia

  1. Default Spain owns Russia

    Yes once again Spain wins and defeats Russia 3-0.

    They will play Germany for the Euro Championship.

    GO SPAIN !!!!!!!

  2. Default


  3. Default

    Russia is WEAK!

  4. Default They Are Weak And They Are Gay!!!!!

    Spain Will Win.....watsh Out For #21,,,,hes The Man.....uncle June

  5. Default

    Since we all have Firefox3 now here is a cool add on. It applies to this thread... and is really sweet in my opinion.

  6. Default

    Phalanx must have been shitting his pants yesterday. Russia is a failure of a country.

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by dutch View Post
    Phalanx must have been shitting his pants yesterday. Russia is a failure of a country.
    i was in vienna for the germany turkey and Russia spain game.. was nuts

  8. Default

    i was in spain durring the second half of the euro cup the final match wasnt nearly as good as the others

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