This one is about cooking.

Fuck cooking!

This morning I tried to make pancakes (just mix & water). The first one turned out okay. The second one burnt to a crisp. The third one burnt to a semi-crisp. Then I gave up and did dishes instead.

I have ruined spaghetti, grilled cheese, macaroni & cheese, and any other number of easy things. Hell, I think I'm just cursed when it comes to food in general. Last night I took out a tub of vegetables I had in the fridge, and as I was holding them, I said, "Man, I love these vegetables," and promptly dropped them all over the floor.

I think that one of my big problems is that cooking isn't all the precise—it requires estimation & a good memory. I can't eyeball measurements, I can't remember what I'm supposed to set the burner to, and I can't tell when something is done.

So next time you tell me to get in the kitchen, you should probably just order out.