Wow wow... did I really have read 16 pages... really by the 4th page I was ready to post. Geeze.

I'm friends with alot of regs on here and I'm friendly status with almost every one here. Now I honestly dont see any issues here Im taking this thread back on topic. I have not seen any recruiting in the IBIS servers and when I do I report to an admin and if I have admin I record or screen shot it giving them a kick warning and if continue a ban.

Now I seen walter's ZM server it is nice I dont think its a rival to IBIS since its only a ZM not GG WCS and Pub. He recruiting IBIS regs? He is a IBIS reg and hes friends with IBIS regs. Not recruiting since most of the regs I played ZM with stopped playing ZM after the big 41 slot change

He's trying to make the server that zero killed. Even though zero said IBIS ZM has been at its highest peek in 2 years for one adding more slots will do that. And second whos on the server now days... the countless number of regs and admins that gave there time and money in hope to make the server better. No, not any more. People who break cades and when you warn them or ban them there friends start spamming and crashing the server. Its a mess.

Sure walter use to talk bad when he was drunk I kinda agree when he is drunk he shouldn't use a mic. But he quitting or greatly reducing his drinking so he prolly wont be an issue no more.

Sorry I know this prolly an old thread but after reading 16 god damn pages I wanted to freaking post some thing for my time spent.