Banned: approx. 8:30pm PST July 8, 2008 (Ban Period 1 day)
Admin: quite a few people talking and admin did not give me a chance to ask.
(Though I made a list of the IBIS members playing at the time, to list them would be pointless)
Server: Zombie Mod+ | [ISS] IBS | FAST DSL
Complaint: The fact that I was banned for a day does not bother me, however the manner in how it was treated is what compelled me to report this.
Situation from my view: First off the admin banned me not as a last resort but as a first measure. Secondly, I did not find being laughed at amusing while I was trying to ask the person who was banning me questions on the situation.
At the time I was unaware of my actions, but I was accidentally setting off a premature nuke on one of the maps by trying to get ahead of the group. Unfortunately I thought I was being clever. Over chat someone had said it was being done by a button in some secret room. I even heard someone else say and I quote "I set it off..." (I not being me) The second time is was actually done by someone else getting to the spawn(before the fact I new I was triggering it). The 3rd time however was when both the admin and myself figured it was actually me triggering it. I believe I would have figured it out sooner had it not been for other people claiming to have set it off.
I had apologized profusely both to the admins and players of the server but I was met with laughter, and the admin seemed more interested in exercising his position at the time. It seemed I was the amusement of the minute.
I will apologize again if this post comes as an inconvenience, and again if doing something your unaware of at the time is a bannable offense then so be it. However, if being a jerk is a quality for being an admin then you might as well perma-ban me.
Message me if you want any additional information or the list.
Also it would show good form and ease my mind if the admin who banned me messaged me with an explanation of why he banned me without so much as an answer. As well as clarify the taunting involved at the time.
Thank you,