Map: sg_pump_arena
Reason: This map sucks. Period dot. Everytime I have ever gone to this map it gets rtv'd. It even has a graphics glitch causing the textures to look funny.
Map: gg_tesla
Reason: This map sucks. Period dot. Everytime I have ever gone to this map it gets rtv'd. It will kill your graphics card. Too Small. Only gets voted in because it has a cool name.
Map: gg_tesla_v2
Reason: Same as tesla
Map: ag_texture_city-komplex
Reason: Too Big & complex, always rtv'd. ALWAYS
Map: Dr3w_gg_deathmatch
Reason: Too Big, always gets rtv'd
Map: gg_indy_jones
Reason: Dark and too small. Always gets rtv'd
Map: Shotgun_ADSL
Reason: Another fail shotgun map made for shotguns, not GG
P.S. ZERO this thread is full of win on the map issue for GG.