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Thread: lt.rambo finds the site

  1. #1

    Smile lt.rambo finds the site

    Finally i find the site and get connected to it. im really happy and ive played on IBIS servers a little bit at a time (long vacation so i had like 3 months or less off IBIS) bit im back the first thing i am sure to do is buy admin. I would really like to help out. i also hate thos cade breakers and i cant help about it. now i can. (if i can find some money to buy admin) but im sure ill get some soon. BTW im 13 and am not a noob. no mic. but im more serious than most of the like 18 year olds thats cade break there. well just saying hi and ill be on every once and a while. if you want to privately talk to me email me. (first contact me on forums and i will give email if you dont have it already.) (me) <---cade breaker lol.

  2. Default

    welcome in here young man.....chill out, don t act like a little dick and use admin wisely...everything will be just perfect!!!

    See you in-game lil lt.rambo!!!



  3. Default

    Word, do what beast said or feel the wrath.

  4. #4

    Question Lt. rambo after 48 hours

    ok now ive waited for more than 48 hours now. i still dont have admin. can someone tell me where to go to fix this somehow because i dont like to pay money for nothing because that happened on STFU zombie and it took 2 months to undo it so i want to be able to get real admin on here and not the pay sit and wait for nothing.

  5. Default

    This should be what your lookin for.

  6. Default

    Hehe, people were yelling at you the other day for something, anyhow welcome. Have Fun!

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by lt.rambo View Post
    ...BTW im 13....
    .... if you want to privately talk to me email me.....
    Don't do it, it's a trap!

  8. Default

    liar! u said u were like 17 on the mic on time...

  9. Default

    liar! u said u were like 17 on the mic one time...

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