Tiffany desu, douzo yoroshiku (don't be fooled, my Japanese actually sucks haha). I'm a freshman this year, Art Studio major, and new to the anime club (um, duh, -freshman-). I'm a complete dork. Video games, anime, manga, cosplay, RPs, DnD, Gaia, DeviantArt... If it's nerdy, I've done it (most likely). I'm Ashley(Vampire Penguin)'s friend and I TOTALLY take credit for introducing her to anime (although we have VASTLY different tastes, she has some good ones up there) haha Love ya, Ash! I figured I'd post my top 11 favorite anime and top 10 manga. All of Studio Ghibli's films are amazing, just saying.

1. Cowboy Bebop
2. Outlaw Star
3. Mushi Shi
4. Angel Beats!
6. Majin Tentei Nougami Neuro
7. DeathNote
8. Ouran High School Host Club
9. Bleach
10. Hayate the Combat Butler
11. Fullmetal Alchemist

1. The Demon Ororon
2. Zombie Powder
3. Saiyuki
4. Claymore
5. Rurounni Kenshin
6. Claymore
7. Chrono Crusade
8. Bizenghast
9.Mobile Suit Gundam Ecole du Ciel
10. xxxHolic
11. Battle Royale

SO yeah. That was a long post, sorry. Hope to see you all around campus. Ciao!