Yes, I agree it'd probably be best to aim for more like the 10 best quality amvs or so, rather than lots.

We should also probably list who we plan on going as if you plan on cosplaying, just as a heads up to the other ppl. Atm I'm leaning towards either Shinra from Durarara (unless someone wants to be my Shizuo and I'll go Izaya, or vice versa ;P ), as it seems to be a simple costume I can get together in time with very little sewing skill / money. (Which reminds me, if anyone has a long knee-length white labcoat they wouldn't mind me borrowing, I'd appreciate it ;P ).

If you were planning on cosplaying, speak up incase anyone can help provide costume stuff and have ideas themselves! If we're going for attention ya might as well not be shy! ;P