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Thread: Dual

  1. Default Dual

    Wish to void this thread.
    Last edited by Cheese; 07-20-2008 at 02:41 PM.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheese View Post
    Has problems with his mind. He continues to ban me for nothing. He just likes to see me suffer. Every time I am on he is disrespectful to me. And team attacks me and is a rude person.
    Your a constant disrespectiful player while in server and forum, and you get what you deserve.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Dual View Post
    Your a constant disrespectiful player while in server and forum, and you get what you deserve.
    Cancels this thread.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Dual View Post
    Your a constant disrespectiful player while in server and forum, and you get what you deserve.
    I'm sorry Dual. Will you forgive me. I apologize if I have ever disrespected you or ever hurt your feelings.

  5. Default

    Why the hell is he still playing here

  6. Default

    Good question. I been wondering how Dual hasn't been exposed yet. It's crazy!

    I mean dang, he has a seperate steam id just to get on random names and tk people he doesn't like. Not to mention the other steam id he has was hacking.

    How the hell are we still letting dual run this shabang?

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by V teh pwnerer View Post
    Good question. I been wondering how Dual hasn't been exposed yet. It's crazy!

    I mean dang, he has a seperate steam id just to get on random names and tk people he doesn't like. Not to mention the other steam id he has was hacking.

    How the hell are we still letting dual run this shabang?

    First off There is no rules, to having multiple steam id! I hate to burst your bubble fool, but serveral members, know that those steamid belong to my kids, Jackass.So there goes your big secrets! There is no way your gonna prove any of the accounts have hackers, stats. And once your theory of me hacking is shot down, I Think you should be banned for even making false accusations.
    Last edited by Dual; 07-21-2008 at 02:30 PM.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by V teh pwnerer View Post
    Good question. I been wondering how Dual hasn't been exposed yet. It's crazy!

    I mean dang, he has a seperate steam id just to get on random names and tk people he doesn't like. Not to mention the other steam id he has was hacking.

    How the hell are we still letting dual run this shabang?
    It'll be nice to see you guys finally banned. You cause hella trouble in here all the time. As for tk's and causing shit on the server, thats something Zero has seen a demo fo first hand from me against you and Colby. IF ANYONE is to even be punished trust that you'll be the ones.

    Dual has several different accounts, many people know this so I'm not sure what P.I you're doing here but your shit is weak. As for the whole Dual hacking accusations, can we see this demo too? You took this situation too far, Colby and yourself should of just kept quiet and played the game if you wanted to stay.

  9. Default

    He can have as many accounts as he wants. As long as he doesn't use them to hack the IBIS servers i couldn't give a fuck. I'm actually considering buying a new account just so i can go on different servers and try out some hacks.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ManBearPig <ibis> View Post
    He can have as many accounts as he wants. As long as he doesn't use them to hack the IBIS servers i couldn't give a fuck. I'm actually considering buying a new account just so i can go on different servers and try out some hacks.
    lmao try out some hacks.

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