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Thread: hacker in Pub Server

  1. Default hacker in Pub Server

    Player Name: [UPoS] DAViE
    Steam-ID: STEAM_0:0:3449305
    sb_status: S_1>;mh2d;T6;`l8Z<8l@:>6KannOLXoS7I08PQ_;Q=l?:IC;W `M3@
    What hacks:aimbot

  2. Default

    agreed, he aimbots.

  3. Default

    great job,

  4. Wink

    I've really never taken the time to thank the guys when we aren't on.
    thanks man we really appreciate your effort.

  5. Default

    dutch, your avatar is disturbing.

  6. Default

    Wait...we already banned this guys a couple months ago i think...and he was unbanned cuz no demo was taken...or...i dunno...actualy...i just remember we had an issue with this guy...anbyway.....great job

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