Real Name: Chuck
In game Name: deprodigy
Weapons of Choice: m4, ak, deag
Maps: Any except coldwar
Reason for App: 3rd app
IBIS Members you play the most with: AvoidtheBeast, CO, Dual, Manbearpig, midget (mia, i miss him), phalanx, uncle june, wickedtribe, whytboiz, zero.
Experience: cs:beta 99'. Cal, ogl, wtc. Ibis servers: 2+ years
Contact Info: steam
About me: Originally from Cleveland. Live in Orlando and enjoy work as a commercial estimator for private hvac co. I enjoy shooting pool on Fridays after work. Favorite bar is Blue Martini. Woman is in the last stages of school up in Cleveland and looking foward to seeing her again every night as oppossed to twice a year. Besides that, Life is good.