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Thread: I like turtles!!

  1. Default I like turtles!!

    Sup all.

    Just wanted to say i finally decided to write my steam ID down and join the forum... i've met a few of you but not all...
    duals... i took your #1 rank in GG so come find me =)

    can't wait to pew on each and everyone of you!!!!

  2. Default

    how do i get it to show my GG rank instead of my pub rank where it shows my name?
    i am a forum noob =(


  3. Default

    Good to see you on the forums and congrats on getting to #1
    The IBIS noob under your name is derived from the number of posts you have made on the forums. Also the posts always show your rank in all of the servers (once I get around to adding the one for zm)

  4. Default

    hey turtles, nice to see you finally on the forums. the pub rank is more prestigious then the gg rank. more noobs on gg. get a good rank in pub, then you got some respect. lol

  5. Default

    turtles, imma ban you on sight! lol j/k.

    btw, i still hate you.

  6. Default

    -_- .... You kill me too much...... -_-

  7. Default

    Haha ouch, so many haters already!
    pubbing is not as fun as gg... plus there are custom maps(de_vegas) and cs_ maps in the rotation... Who wants to save the hostages anyway?

    De_ is the way to go, but not de_custommaps =(

    Maybe i'll start playin the pub... they aren't all too challenging anyway.. pick up an awp and its lights out.


  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by I LIKE TURTLES View Post
    Haha ouch, so many haters already!
    pubbing is not as fun as gg... plus there are custom maps(de_vegas) and cs_ maps in the rotation... Who wants to save the hostages anyway?

    De_ is the way to go, but not de_custommaps =(

    Maybe i'll start playin the pub... they aren't all too challenging anyway.. pick up an awp and its lights out.
    congrats on #1 turtle! took ya long enough! I had it in the 1st 3 weeks! look forward to seeing you in the pub sometime. but gl getting that awp... it is quite popular.

    welcome to the forums but don't get too emotional like some people (deprodigy, you little girl).

    cya around!

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