Whenever a player stands in the same spot on a map for more than 1 second, the <ibis.a> jerks always start a HUGE ARGUMENT with the person that just ends up being really annoying and admins bicker at each other like little children with their high pitched whiny little girl voices.

SO. Is "sniping" allowed at all? Are we able to use the scoped weapons as they were intended, or are we supposed to run around like idiots trying to "n0sc0p3 sum nubz lolol" ? Aside from those cDs losers, this is the ONLG GG server I've played on where the <ibis.a> people bitch and bitch and bitch about players "camping" when they are using a scoped in sniper rifle.

In order to solve this retarded goddamn debate, can we PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GO have an OFFICIAL WORD?! This RETARDED ASS FUCKING debate MUST be ended. It can't "Be left up to the senior admin" because the admins all have different arbitrary rules. Here is the question:

If you are sitting in one place, scoped in, is it "camping" or is it "sniping?"


Is "sniping" allowed?

Flame away, you scoundrels.