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Thread: fuckign admin abusing wankers

  1. Default fuckign admin abusing wankers

    "Nato <ibis.a>" is a fucking admin abusing wanker. after this pm u wont belive me but he mutes for shit. i got kicked 3 times for asking for the fourms info. i got muted for talking . i play this sever every fucking day. i have many friends who play on that sever. ask mafia. his one. i ahve people to back me up . i have some mof the best rounds on that sever. but there is a fucking admin abusing noob that need his admin talkign away from him . i am an admin myself. ow hell i run and own a cal team clan . i get sponced with severs. now i dont give a fuck if u ban me tbh STEAM_0:0:7339215. but for fuck sake plz do soemthign about that noob of an admin . if u have a problem ban me then STEAM_0:0:7339215. but kick "nato" from ur clan he is takign it down hill. he slap-s becasue his dead and he cant w8 till teh end. i ask fro a map vote for space station which ever1 at the time whanted but we ended up in fucking jerasikpark. this is fucked up man u need to sort this looser out... pce

  2. Default

    Here is another one Zero *waits for the 3 other admins online at the time to post* INCLUDING mafia..... And killer i told you not to bother, by posting this no only are you discrediting your trustability but your trying to put down the reputation of an admin that did nothing wrong, all 3 admins online told you, don't post you were not abuse, yet you post. And FYI swearing and using a title like that is not a good way to get people to go along with your story....

    So sick of noobs that cry abuse because they told an admin to stfu and got kicked, if you play every day YOU KNOW the rules, respect admins. End of.

  3. Default

    Well first off, You got mad because of a map vote that you didn't like.... then started yelling and well.... whining. You were asked to stop and didn't, so.... mute. Then you went off on the Admin. Rule breaking.....

    I really didn't see any abuse myself... you said alot more "abusive" things then was ever said to you.

  4. Default

    Okay, we were trying to explain to you that first admin on has priority of map settings, choices, and votes. You threw a hissyfit because you didn't get the map you wanted and tried to get another admin to put up a vote after the map was selected. We explained all of this to you and refused to listen. On top of that you expected mafia to override the vote. You really think an admin would want to listen to you after that? It's not abuse. He had every right to kick you. You disrespected Nato & only made yourself look like a fool. Try reading the rules in the motd before making a bullshit accusation.

    Btw. If you really want to be taken seriously. Please spell correctly. I hate to be a grammar nazi, but there's no way I can take serious somebody who spells their shit wrong.

  5. Default

    One more thing, "slap-s because he can't w8 till teh end" WTF? lol

    And like i said before, swearing and insulting me on the fourms only prooves my point... see how aggressive you are?

  6. Default

    killer you crossed the line, the admins were within their rights and you showed disrespect towards the decisions of and directly to the admins

    just because you were not happy with a vote doesn't give you the permission to request an admin to cast a revote and then when you were denied that request to become disrespectful

  7. Default

    Both Killer and Nato are good peeps and my friends.
    anyways the story goes, Killer asked for a mapvote from me and nato was asking why he was asking another admin(me) to make a map vote after we just had a map vote and Killer went off on Nato. Telling him he wasn't talking to nato he was talking to me all the while being disrespectful to nato while doing so. So nato kicked him for disrespecting and he came back all the other admins, other than myself because i was thinking if i should eat a pancake or not, tried to explain to him that there was already a map vote and there wasnt gonna be another mapvote. Then it really becomes a stupid story that doesnt need to be told anymore. because he just a bunch of admins trying to explain things while the word admin abuse is flying around. That's pretty much the story.

  8. Default

    Such a stupid argument. LOL

    Why is there always so much "drama" with the ZM server.... Its getting rediculous.
    Every time a player doesn't get his way its Admin Abuse.

    I report Mafia for abuse also. He stabbed me in the in the face cause I was too close to the edge and turned me to a zombie, even though it was all my fault.

    People need a .

  9. Unhappy

    This is absolutely outrageous! He comes in here and for one totally disregards the formatting required for an abuse report so that his post is more of a rage post than anything else. You then have the audacity to enter in an ADMINs STEAM-ID as your own! You then proceed to ask and I quote:

    now i dont give a fuck if u ban me tbh STEAM_0:0:7339215. but for fuck sake plz do soemthign about that noob of an admin . if u have a problem ban me then STEAM_0:0:7339215.
    Are you fucking serious!? How stupid do you think we are! The arrogance of this post is astounding to think that for one us would ban you for your inflammatory comments alone is completely insane. In addition you then provide a STEAM-ID as if it is your own, however in reality it is that of an ADMIN! Did you not think that we would not see the ID to be that of Nato's OWN!

    You think your pretty slick coming in here and trying to stain the good name of one of our most reputable ADMINs. Than you have another thing coming, it would be one thing to file a real report of abuse but I fear that this is only the latest in a string of lunacy that has caught the ZM server. ADMINs do not be fearful of bogus crazies like this who are on rage storms against the server. In fact things like this are a sign that the admins are going there jobs! Enforcing the rules and maintaining ORDER and not a state of utter kayos on the server. The server is not an anarchy where your mystical wims control it's functions. It is a standardized platform for gaming that has rules that are to be followed for the benefit of all players. Just b/c one user thinks he can do what he wants does not make it so. This goes for ADMINs too, if you want to spot a real abuser look for the guy imposing his own seance of justice on the server out side of the rules and regulations that have placed forth herein.

    OMFG and it is in the wrong section! You have got to be kidding me... moved

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by killer View Post
    "Nato <ibis.a>" is a fucking admin abusing wanker. after this pm u wont belive me but he mutes for shit. i got kicked 3 times for asking for the fourms info. i got muted for talking . i play this sever every fucking day. i have many friends who play on that sever. ask mafia. his one. i ahve people to back me up . i have some mof the best rounds on that sever. but there is a fucking admin abusing noob that need his admin talkign away from him . i am an admin myself. ow hell i run and own a cal team clan . i get sponced with severs. now i dont give a fuck if u ban me tbh STEAM_0:0:7339215. but for fuck sake plz do soemthign about that noob of an admin . if u have a problem ban me then STEAM_0:0:7339215. but kick "nato" from ur clan he is takign it down hill. he slap-s becasue his dead and he cant w8 till teh end. i ask fro a map vote for space station which ever1 at the time whanted but we ended up in fucking jerasikpark. this is fucked up man u need to sort this looser out... pce

    best post ever!!!!!

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