Why: do I really have to say why, its a piece of shit map that people keep choosing because of its name which you would think would be a tip off to how shitty it is.
Why: do I really have to say why, its a piece of shit map that people keep choosing because of its name which you would think would be a tip off to how shitty it is.
Yeeessssss itssss sshiiitttyyy andddd stttupppidddd lkkkkkeeee yoooourrr messaggggeeee.
what makes you have to post a thread about every single map that you want removed individually?
it is a shitty map tho
yeah that way once he gets to it every 3 months he can just go down the list and zm retard should have been removed in the first 24 hours it was on the server.
That map just doesnt really have a good cading spot(one) but it does have a few secrets in there....overall its a fifty fifty...(wont really miss it if its gone)