Hey everyone, I just made a group called <Ibis.A> (IBIS Admins).
This group is for ibis ADMINS, not clan members, and is not impersonating any other ibis groups out there.
I made the group in order to be able to add it as a clan tag on the score board without taking space in my name, which can be a bitch sometimes...
IF ZERO APPROVES THIS GROUP, its tag can be a replacement for having the Ibis.A in the name, since it will be available on the side by adding it in:
OPTIONS -> MULTIPLAYER -> ADVANCED (and change the clan selection from 'none' to the our Ibis.A group).

PS: YOU HAVE TO BE INVITED TO GET IN (helps me filter out noobs and impersonators.). SO PLEASE ADMINS WRITE ME HERE SO I CAN INVITE YOU?

Warning : This is all still subject to zero's approval, i only pre-created the group so i can learn how to add the <ibis.A> tag aside and to see if anyone is interested at all before bothering zero.