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Thread: myg0t micspammer in ZM+

  1. Default myg0t micspammer in ZM+

    Alright, here's a steamid ripe for bannage.
    "[myg0t]zubetube" STEAM_0:0:14023209

    status screenshot:

    Demo attached.
    Basically another idiotic myg0t micspammer. Spamming music, harassing IBIS members, whatever.

    Too bad I couldn't find any admins online, oh well.
    Last edited by brian4120; 05-12-2008 at 02:30 AM.

  2. Default

    nice work ..

  3. Default

    Just to let you know that [myg0t] is a hack. Anybody who sports that tag is basically a hacker or has hacks..

  4. Default

    Well, I know that there is a group behind them...
    I was pissed and tired last night. Last thing I need is to be rickrolled

  5. Default

    just an fyi I sent the ban in when you posted this

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    just an fyi I sent the ban in when you posted this
    Alright! Thanks Zero

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