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Thread: Mic help (sorry if this is in the wrong forum)

  1. Default Mic help (sorry if this is in the wrong forum)

    Hey guys,
    I have a logitech usb mic and i have a creative audigy 2 value edition sound card. My mic has been working for a while now, but i had a sound card error so i completely reinstalled my sound card drivers(latest ones found on creative website) after removing the old ones.
    My mic however, no longer works in games. The strange thing though is when i go to settings in steam and perform a mic check it works. Any ideas on how to fix this?

    Thx for any comments and advice

  2. Default

    that sounds weird
    have you tried going into your computers recording settings and seeing if mic is on mute
    ur voice may register on computer but not use it at all.... if that makes any sense
    The poetry that comes from the squarin' off between
    And the circling is worth it, finding beauty in the dissonance

    I know the pieces fit......

  3. Default

    nothing is muted under my sounds and audio devices menu thingy. i tried the setam mic help thingy too, but its just really weird. like when i test it using the mic check in steam setttings its perfectly fine. its when i go into games to test it that there is absolutely no sound going to the mic (nothing appearing on the bar nor is tehre voice playback for me)

  4. Default

    Try to minimize and make sure that your default recording device is set to the correct thing

  5. Default

    woohooo is works now! funny thing is that now that it works, mic test in steam doesnt work but mic test in cs:S works :S

  6. Default

    for steam just make sure the correct device is set to what your default recording device is.

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