I was busy doing something and got asked to come into GG because Glockstar was aimbotting, I observed him for a single round and he was obviously aimbotting and possibly speed hacking. Right as I was about to start the demo he said in chat I hack because it's fun and then he left the server and rejoined immediatly and typed into chat admins ruin all the fun. I don't know if I caught any of that on the demo but i'm attaching it anyways.

After he rejoined and came back he was playing like normal though, so I assume he left and turned them off and rejoined. Several people in the server said they had taken a demo of him and I advised them to come post it here.

I perma banned him, but didn't catch his steam id before I did so because I forgot to pull it up in console. I tried looking it up on psychostats but he isn't listed in it.

**EDIT- It wont let me upload the demo right now, i'll try again in a little bit