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Thread: Such thing as to much Lil Wayne?

  1. Default Such thing as to much Lil Wayne?

    Is there such a thing as to much Lil Wayne?
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  2. Default

    Noting that you have more files than he has actual songs... yes

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    Its a good thing i have all his mix tapes and all the songs that he is featured on.

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    lolz "motherfucker im ill"

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    I deem "too much Lil Wayne" as more than 1 song. Nevertheless, if that's the music you're interested in then good job on having lots of his music.

  6. Default

    Yeah i love his shit.

  7. Default

    Lil Wayne looks like a really ugly black girl on crack !

  8. Default

    He's ugly as all hell. He's always high off SOMETHING. He may even be a closet gay (google Wayne kisses Baby). But honestly, if he challenged you to a freestyle, would you agree? I wouldnt

  9. Default

    dildo can spit fast like twista, get a couple of drinks in him

  10. Default

    I dont really care if he is gay or ugly. If he keeps rappin the way he has been its over for all the competition that doesnt go with him.

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