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Thread: Weird screeching sound

  1. Default Weird screeching sound

    So I'm borrowing a mic off one of my friends (his way of trying to kick the WoW habit) and finally I have it working on CS. The problem is that now when I take the mic and headphone plugs out, my laptop makes an extremely loud screeching sound out of the speakers. I haven't tried changing the sound settings back to what I had before the mic yet, and that may very well be the problem.
    Has anyone ever had this happen?
    It scared the shit out of me the first time it happened. I thought the HD was dieing or something. Good thing this is only Bootcamp on my Mac, so if anything I'll just start playing CS on my old radeon 9800-equipped PC again.

    *Underlined the important parts for those who like to save time.*

  2. Default

    crappy sound cards will do that when they try to get signal from an input that has noting connected. They will get the interference from any near by emi device and amplify it into your speakers massively damming them.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    crappy sound cards will do that when they try to get signal from an input that has noting connected. They will get the interference from any near by emi device and amplify it into your speakers massively damming them.
    Yea, it's a Macbook Pro and I don't think it has any special sort of sound card. I sure hope the speakers aren't fucked now.

  4. Default

    Well its a mac..... your problems are just beginning.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ManBearPig <ibis> View Post
    Well its a mac..... your problems are just beginning.
    I'd love to hear a well thought out and realistic argument as to why a Mac is bad. I have had nothing wrong happen to me. Keep in mind, this is a problem that occurs when I'm on Windows.

  6. Default

    The last dude may be a nerd, but he knows what hes talking about.

    The real reason i dislike macs is because i cant do anything on them that i actually need to do. You cant play any half decent games on them, and if you can its always better using a PC to play it. You also cannot program using a mac. If you ask any serious programmers or people who are very involved in the computer technology industry and community you will find that they all use PCs.

    Maybe i dont know what im talking about. But after using both Macs and PCs ive found that i utterly hate Macs and thank bill gates every day of my life for being brilliant enough to design something that works, not just look decent and try to pass off as something that works.

    I would like to hear anyone's opinion Macs and PCs in comparison.

  7. Default

    Mac's could never rival a PC in performance.... It's been proven so many times over and over again. Even at the same specs a PC somehow still whoops its ass....?????????.....

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