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Thread: Team Balance?

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    Quote Originally Posted by devour View Post
    anything other than a basic teamswitch between the topfraggers/bottomfraggers on each team would have a negative impact on gameplay as well as the server i believe.
    I agree. I don't see modding being the way to fix this issue.

    It's all about balancing out those with the skills to get the kills that give the ladies thrills...or something like that.

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    If there were only a way to make auto assign the only option...

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    Quote Originally Posted by :3volv3d: View Post
    if there were only a way to make auto assign the only option...

  4. #14


    auto-assigning is one thing you could force on one-sided maps, but on some league maps that are pretty even-sided it wont matter much. i always hit 5 though.

    PTB is a good team-switching plugin.

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    The reason I do not like auto assign is that I like to play T on every map.

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    What devour said. And I don't believe Auto-assign will change anything on extremely sided maps.

    Look at your sig, now back to mine, now back to yours, now back to mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine. But if you stopped trolling and e-thugging like a nerd yours could be like mine.
    Look down, now back up. Where are you? You're on, reading the sig your sig could be like. I'm sexting your girl.

  7. Default

    I am new to the forums, but i have a reserved slot on the wcs mod server and play there all the time. Teams are badly stacked like 70% of the time in that server. I asked Wassabi about it and he told me I should post a thread, but low and behold, there is already a thread on the topic.

    Let me get to my point. like i said, more than half the time, the teams are so badly stacked to the point where one team will have zero wins for a whole map. that is the number one complaint i here people making on the server, teams are stacked. I am not talking about numerical stacking, cause obviously that gets fixed automatically. But stacking where all the skill is on one team.

    So finally, i decided to ask Wassabi (dude is on that server like 24/7) why we don't have some sort of team evening protocol. I don't know if there is an automated program you can put in that would switch to make it so the people with the highest scores are spread out evenly on both teams, that would be cool.

    But even if you don't have an automatic team evener, I was thinking, since admins are in that server almost 24/7 they could manually do the evening. But Wassabi said that it is considered admin abuse. So what is the rule, can admins fix teams, or not, and if not, why?

    Also, Zero, I know you own the servers and all, but you can't always be on the team you wanna be on. lol

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    btw, i was just thinking about the logic of a program that would do that.

    You could have it where the program checks if one team is ahead by 5 wins, then if they are, run the evening which takes the 6 people with the highest scores and places them on opposite teams, the number one guy going to the losing teams, number two to the winning team number three to the losing team, and so on.

    You could also have it check after 3 more rounds to make sure the team that was losing has won at least one round since the switch. If they haven't then you can have it make the top two players be on the loosing team (i.e. switch the number 3 guy with the number 2 guy). it could keep doing this until all six top players are on the losing team if need be.

    But I donno, i am sure there are better, already made programs out there that could balance teams, I just thought i would through my idea out there.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Bizaro View Post
    I am new to the forums, but i have a reserved slot on the wcs mod server and play there all the time. Teams are badly stacked like 70% of the time in that server. I asked Wassabi about it and he told me I should post a thread, but low and behold, there is already a thread on the topic.

    Let me get to my point. like i said, more than half the time, the teams are so badly stacked to the point where one team will have zero wins for a whole map. that is the number one complaint i here people making on the server, teams are stacked. I am not talking about numerical stacking, cause obviously that gets fixed automatically. But stacking where all the skill is on one team.

    So finally, i decided to ask Wassabi (dude is on that server like 24/7) why we don't have some sort of team evening protocol. I don't know if there is an automated program you can put in that would switch to make it so the people with the highest scores are spread out evenly on both teams, that would be cool.

    But even if you don't have an automatic team evener, I was thinking, since admins are in that server almost 24/7 they could manually do the evening. But Wassabi said that it is considered admin abuse. So what is the rule, can admins fix teams, or not, and if not, why?

    Also, Zero, I know you own the servers and all, but you can't always be on the team you wanna be on. lol
    wcs is special. it's only as stacked as you let it. if you change your race to counter your opponent's team comp, then it's not stacked anymore. the only exceptions are racewhores like zack, with spider man.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  10. Default

    lol, i agree about zack.

    I still think an admin could switch players to fix unit composition (since so many noobs don't know how to fix it themselves). I just think there needs to be more proactiveness in fixing teams on the wcs mod server, cause like i said, it is the number one complaint i hear, and people rage quit over it all the time.

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