Username:Tuna, Avenger of the Ocean
Who banned me: Not sure, someone in Ibis...
When: November 22nd/2010
Where: the normal deagle gg map on the gg, psychostats, etc... server
Why: The admin told me to change my spray. I said it isn't offending anyone, why should I? He replied, "because it is gay." I said allright, and before I could do anything I was banned.
This was my spray:

I admit it is "gay", but it's definitely not offensive or deserving of the banhammer, especially in comparison to most other sprays used on the server. I've never had anyone complain about it, mostly people laugh at it haha. Anyway, I really don't cause trouble or anything on the server and I think it's a pretty soft excuse to be banned - especially when I was banned within the round not given the opportunity to change it. If it's that big of an issue I'll change it like I was going to. Aye aye.