Used InGame Name - PedoBear
Used Steam Friend Name - Satan
Steam ID- Not Logged.... =\
I got a message from this dude asking for help. I go ahead and ask with what. He says its a community and he needs help to rise threw ranks by recruiting (already getting skeptical). So he sends me a link (Never Ever use auto logins). I continue to go to the link and notice its a replica of the steam powered community with an incorrect url tag. I trace down the link to this forum..... gamezonehell [dot] com/phpBB3/index.php
He quickly removed me off his friends list after I made it aware that I wasn't an idiot.
Apparently this guy is lurking around the IBIS servers making "friends" and trying to hack there accounts (In a pretty retarded way, by replicating the steam community website login). I've seen him on both GG and ZM servers.
I don't know how to report this to steam and don't have the neccesary Steam ID anyhow.
Just letting you guys and gals know.