Name in Game: Hadriel
Steam-ID: STEAM_0:1:11518126
Who banned you: King Banana (or something close to that)
When: 9:35pm ish EST
Where: the Gungame server
Why banned: I was told I was suspicious... so he started a demo, then I got kicked out of nowhere, rejoined, was a bit upset, told the admin he was dumb, and then was banned.
Other/Reason to unban:
I was just banned for apparently "hacking" in GunGame. The admin's name was King Banana or something, some guy I haven't played with much I guess. He was recording a demo, which I'm sure he'll post up, so any of you all can feel free to watch it and choose to do as you wish.
Kind of disappointing, if anything, those of you who regular with me know that I don't hack, GG is basically run and spray and sometimes that just works and you don't die.