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Thread: 022 Magician [130] v1.0.8

  1. Default 022 Magician [130] v1.0.8

    Required Level: 130
    Levels per ability: 8
    Item Restrictions: NONE (cloak when crow)
    Levitation: 5-11% chance to shoot enemy into the air
    Ability_mage_invisibility.pngDisappearing Dash : 15-33% chance to disappear for .8-1.3 sec
    crowform.gifThe Crow : 11-33% chance to turn into a crow when killed(with a five7)
    Ability_mage_greaterinvisibility.pngUp in Smoke: Disappear in cloud of smoke, 30 sec on round start 30-10sec each additional use

    • 1.0.0
      • Initial Release

    • 1.0.1
      • Fixed glitch where you would still be a crow but with the wrong model next round if you survived
      • Made it so you can toggle fly as a crow via +ability, note that when landed your weapon does no damage.

    • 1.0.2
      • Fixed glitch of crow message being sent to the wrong player
      • Made ultimate bring you to the correct location

    • 1.0.3
      • Improved programing of weapon removal to reduce crashes.

    • 1.0.4
      • Changed coding of crow to prevent you from glitching it so that you get the powers of another race while being a crow at the same time.

    • 1.0.5
      • Updated to prevent ultimate use if within 30ft of an immunity.

    • 1.0.6
      • Patched 120 nade glitch set amo for five7 to 20 and 100.

    • 1.0.7
      • Changed order of operations for weapon restrections to reduce crashes
      • Updated code of wepon removal

    • 1.0.8
      • Race confirmed to be 100% updated to previous version now on restored version
      • Updated weapon removal code
      • Added sound every 3 seconds which broadcasts from location of crow if the crow has cloak, also goes off every time the crow lands and or takes off.

    Last edited by ZERO; 02-16-2013 at 06:08 AM.

  2. Default

    Everything but ultimate is done, please test it out!

  3. Default

    Only found one problem.

    Survived round as a crow. Next round, I spawned with flight, and with crow restrictions (five7 only) instead of magician restrictions (m3, dualies only). Happens every time. Crow works fine, though.

    Restrictions on crow and Magician work. The "no longer flying" glitch with the ulti does not.

    Levitation is MEAN.

    Up in smoke and Disapearing Dash both cause your guns, knife and something else, to not disappear.
    Last edited by Blackmage; 01-16-2011 at 10:19 PM.

  4. Default

    How many people were on during this crow glitch?

  5. Default

    Myself and one other person.

  6. Default

    Crow appears to be fixed now!

    Now as for the ultimate. I really think it always was and despite adjustments I make still is basically useless and so I want to change it.

    Here are some ideas, they are all based on the description of the ultimate (Up in Smoke) let me know what you think:

    • Teleport back to your spawn
    • Teleport to the closest team mate who is around the highest concentration of other team mates.

    I do not want to make it a normal teleport b/c then it could be used offensively. The point of this ult is to get the player out of danger.

  7. Default

    I like the former (go back to spawn). The second ability sounds like it could have a race based around it.

  8. Default

    Not the mention I would literally need to program the second one out of thin air. (Also that the maths and cpu work to process that would not be so nice..., however it is still an option)

  9. Default

    I'm glad you're redoing it. I was going 2 suggest it the other day cause as you said, it's always been a retarded ultimate lol.

    I think teleporting 2 your team would be better. you never know where you're gonna end up, it has some randomness 2 it. as where going back 2 your spawn is just kinda... well boring, and depending on if your T or CT, it could end up being counter productive 2 use your ultimate which would not really add up. teleporting you 2 your team would keep it interesting, and wouldn't be just plunking you into your spawn and making you always have 2 back track.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  10. Default

    Yea the randomness is actually why I came up with that idea. Another possible option is to simply go to the closest, furthest or location of a random teammate. These would in theory be easier to code and would be less work for the server.

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