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Thread: Race limit bugged.

  1. Default Race limit bugged.


  2. Default

    Since this thread is properly named... Raiden (page 3, number 4) has been hit by the race limit bug. This is where Vagabond used to be.

  3. Default

    Switching from what race to what race?

  4. Default

    Vagabond on team to race in page 3, slot 4.

    On a related note, page 4 in main server:

    Strider Hiryu
    Hell Hunter
    Hells Demon

    in Test:

    Strider Hiryu
    Hell Hunter
    Hells Demon

  5. Default

    So it occurs in both servers regardless of the orders of the race?

    Also btw the races are now in the same order.

    Can you let me know again what race to what race?

    (I assume raiden)

  6. Default

    Actually from testing the bug will appear if your on a 1 per team restricted race and try to change to any race that is exactly 2 slots below your current races position.

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