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Thread: Force player to correct weapon

  1. Default Force player to correct weapon

    I had and idea for players that do not have the weapon pickup disabled on their client. What if when they picked up a weapon that was not the correct one it automatically selected the correct weapon for them.

    The only problem is that you still have a delay before you can fire but when you can at least it will be the correct weapon.

    So what do you guys think? Is this better than shooting with the wrong weapon or should I just leave it alone. (the mod is already finished)

  2. Default

    I think its a good idea. People will complain about not getting a level for killing somebody with the right weapon or if they die from having to wait for the weapon to be ready to shoot; might as well give them the right weapon.

    If they die by the time the weapon is ready to shoot, chances are they were going to die with the wrong weapon anyways.

    Hopefully that made sense.
    Fear is a Liar.

  3. Default

    meh, i've always believe that making things idiot-proof is counterintuitive. people need to pay attention. if they end p picking up the wrong weapon (this only really happens on pistol/knife/nade level, then they shoul know to change.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  4. Default

    The point is to make the switch automated to decrease the time the player is effected by walking over a weapon such as a smg when they have a pistol.

  5. Default

    OK I think I have a way to make it instant but it is going to take a few weeks to develop.

  6. Default

    Zero what is your ultimate goal with this?

    I mean first the gore mod that kills the frame rate of everyone, then the fact that the servers map repositiory is so big that it causes maps like wolfenstein 3d and mario reloaded to break whenever you try to play them and now this?

    at this point zero the gungame server needs to be completely redone I mean its gone from this

    to this

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Kavinsky View Post
    Zero what is your ultimate goal with this?

    I mean first the gore mod that kills the frame rate of everyone, then the fact that the servers map repositiory is so big that it causes maps like wolfenstein 3d and mario reloaded to break whenever you try to play them and now this?

    at this point zero the gungame server needs to be completely redone I mean its gone from this

    to this

    Seriously Kavinsky.

    You know I like you and all, but honestly, if you hate the servers, clan, and people so much, why stick around?

    I think you have a faith that you can't repress...Come back and play, and support ZERO as he has a lot to do.

    That’s the funny thing about trolls: They love to do something horrible, then accuse you of doing something horrible when you call them on it.

  8. Default

    Also the only issue with the gore mod was the gibs that only effected clients with low end systems. The gibs were removed and so was the issue. On another note players with low end systems are always going to have problems and there is only so much that can be done with regard to that.

  9. Default

    Oh shit, got it working perfect. I catch the pickup and block the swap!

  10. Default

    I just pop in once in awhile to see what some of the threads are and tentoes told me about the new members so I'd figure I'd might as well take a look

    but seriously zero your server is the only one I've seen that needs to be redone, everyone else can play gg_minesweeper, gg_wolfenstien_3d and gg_super_mario_reloaded without any issues nor any major frame rate drops like at ibis

    for the last fucking time you need to remove the gore mod already in its entirety, it aint my system its your stupid gore mod that's causing those frame rate drops, 21 people in close quarters shooting at each other at the same time with a ton of extra blood squirting out every time someone is hit doesnt do anyone any favors in the frame rate department, supercomputer or no super computer

    jesus christ your like a broken record when it comes to simple god damn sense with this kinda shit zero, what is it? out one ear and out the next with your mind when someone actually tells you to fix something that should have been fixed long ago?

    I mean seriously what the fuck is wrong with you and the simple concept of listening to the communities needs and acting on them?

    you never actually remove any of the old maps from the servers so they overload your server box and still show up late at night, the gore mod kills everyones latencey and frame rate on CCQ maps and in general you dont ever remove any of the really annoying admins from power unless they cause some serious problems with the server, I mean for crying out loud in the time I've been here you have given admin to atleast 2 fucking 13 year olds

    I mean you really are a lazy bastard.
    Last edited by Kavinsky; 02-01-2011 at 06:34 AM.

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