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Thread: 025 Nebula [160] v1.0.7

  1. Default

    • 1.0.1
      • Updated to prevent extra dmg from nades

  2. Default

    can we possibly limit it to 2 per team?

  3. Default

    • 1.0.2
      • Updated to prevent ultimate use if within 30ft of an immunity.

  4. Default

    The Messier and Maser skills are able to proc off of each other. For example, I have 2 screenshots of multiple hits from Maser/Messier after being shot just one time. Also, not all hits from these skills appear in console. Multiple times I have taken 2500+ damage from a Nebula, but Maser/Messier never showed up in console. Anyway, this shouldn't be happening IMO.

    In both of those images, I was shot 1 time.

  5. Default

    I will try to code a patch to prevent this.

  6. Default

    • 1.0.3
      • Patched dmg glitch that allowed abilities to stack onto themselves.

    This solution will be applied to all races the next time there is a big update for the release of a new race. This better method allows for total filtering of what types of dmg to activate the given effect on so that the effect itself can be filtered to prevent stacking.

  7. Default

    Thanks, and good work. You can also see in the first screenshot that one of the Maser hits did 136 damage to me. I specifically remember that shot, and it was from dualies, and not in the head, and I was wearing kevlar. The Maser ability description says it has a chance to do 130-240% more damage, meaning maximum damage dealt from any shot would be 340% damage (taking into account the original 100%). So I'm wondering two things: if the max intended damage is indeed 340% or 240%, and also whether the damage is applied after the initial shot, meaning the shot itself does damage, AND maser hits, causing an extra 240% (or 340%), whereby the max damage could be as much as 440%. This applies to all classes with similar skills, I'm not trying to QQ about Nebulae, I just happen to have screenshots from Nebula hits. Also, if it helps as a gauge, the Messier skill, in both screenshots, did just 10 damage each time, and the Maser hits did as little as 24 damage and up to the previously mentioned 136 damage in the same shot.

  8. Default

    No the way it works is it detects a player getting damage and then if that dmg was not caused by a nade or from the ability itself it then applies additional dmg of either 10 or x% based on which ability was triggered.

    The code is below: in the future all races will use this method as opposed to other options for enhanced filtering:

    //need event for weapon string
    public PlayerHurtEvent(Handle:event,const String:name[],bool:dontBroadcast)
        decl String:weapon[64];
            new userid=GetEventInt(event,"userid");
            new attacker_userid=GetEventInt(event,"attacker");
            new victim=GetClientOfUserId(userid);
            new attacker=GetClientOfUserId(attacker_userid);
            new dmg=GetEventInt(event,"dmg_health");
                new race_attacker=War3_GetRace(attacker);
                    new messier_level=skill_level_messier[attacker];
                    new maser_level=skill_level_maser[attacker];
                    if(maser_level>0 && !Hexed(attacker,false) && !W3HasImmunity(victim,Immunity_Skills) && Math_GetRandomFloat( 0.0, 1.0 ) <= 0.22)
                        War3_DealDamage( victim, RoundToFloor( float(dmg) * maser_mult[maser_level] ), attacker, DMG_BULLET, "nebula_maser" );
                        new dmgdelt=War3_GetWar3DamageDealt();
                        W3PrintSkillDmgHintConsole( victim, attacker, dmgdelt, "Maser" );
                        PrintHintText(attacker,"Maser did %i damage", dmgdelt);
                        new color[4];
                        TE_SetupBeamLaser(attacker, victim, Lgtning, HaloSprite, 0, 1, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 300, 200.0, color, 1);
                        TE_SetupBeamLaser(victim, attacker, Lgtning, HaloSprite, 0, 1, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 300, 200.0, color, 1);
                    else if(messier_level>0 && !Hexed(attacker,false) && !W3HasImmunity(victim,Immunity_Skills) && Math_GetRandomFloat( 0.0, 1.0 ) <= messier_chance[messier_level])
                        War3_DealDamage( victim, 10, attacker, DMG_BULLET, "nebula_messier" );
                        new dmgdelt2=War3_GetWar3DamageDealt();
                        W3PrintSkillDmgHintConsole( victim, attacker, dmgdelt2, "Messier" );
                        PrintHintText(attacker,"Messier did %i damage", dmgdelt2);
                        new color[4];
                        TE_SetupBeamLaser(attacker, victim, Lgtning, HaloSprite, 0, 1, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 20, 30.0, color, 1);
                        TE_SetupBeamLaser(victim, attacker, Lgtning, HaloSprite, 0, 1, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 20, 30.0, color, 1);

  9. Default

    Alright, thanks for looking into it. If you were here I'd give you a good hard buttslap.

  10. Default

    • 1.0.4
      • Improved performance of hit based abilities
      • Improved filtering to prevent ability dmg stacking

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