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Thread: mute fail

  1. Default mute fail

    a couple days ago i was on the pub and an admin had to mute a mic spammer. i think it was dice, but can't remember for sure. anyway their mute command did not work. last night i tried to mute a spammer for 5 minutes and mine did not work. eventually had to kick to get the spammer off the server. are all admins having this problem? or with any other admin commands?
    DEMOCRACY is 3 wolves and 1 sheep voting on dinner.

    REPUBLIC is where sheep vote for wolves that vote on dinner.

    CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC is where voting on dinner is banned.

    FREEDOM is where hungry wolves looking for dinner and come up against well informed and well armed sheep.

    Arm up sheep, stand your ground and have the balls to fight and the intelligence to know when and where.

  2. #2


    Mute has been broken since zero implemented the !voice script, I thought that was common knowledge or I would have posted it, and yes that was me.

    Look at your sig, now back to mine, now back to yours, now back to mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine. But if you stopped trolling and e-thugging like a nerd yours could be like mine.
    Look down, now back up. Where are you? You're on, reading the sig your sig could be like. I'm sexting your girl.

  3. Default

    Yea, this will be corrected as we switch to the new systems.

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