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Thread: Hey, Hey, Hey...

  1. Default Hey, Hey, Hey...

    How goes my peeps, how has everything been going... Sorry I haven't written in a while... You all still in my thoughts... My son finally pulled himself away from Call of Duty, long enough to stop by and play CS... It was kwel to watch... but boy, what an itching that created... Still having issues with the stub part of my arm... The prostetic keeps reopening my wound, so I haven't been able to utilize my $2,500 hardware, or modify it to use the mouse... But if my son (Crack Pot) keeps playing, it will be a matter of time I get remotivated... But I just wanted to stop in an say hello...

    You can find me on Facebook ( Mathew Morgan )


    Peace, love and empty bullets ~ChronicRogue

    Check me out now on Face Book. Join my Mafia Wars, Clan with me in Vampire Wars or stop down to my farm on Farmville.

    GOT XBOX LIVE? Add ChronicVT

    "The hardest part to any problem is the easy part to any solution" ~ My fifth grade Mathematics Teacher
    (or at least I believe that is what she said... I was too busy thinking of all the naughty things I would do to her 22 year old... ooops is this mic still on...) CLICK!

  2. Default

    good to hear from you chronic....

  3. Default

    Hey man good to see you !

    You better get all bionic so you can play CSS again soon

    Good luck man.

  4. Default

    Keep checking in! its nice to hear from ya
    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    thx for all the opinions and advice ppl... aside from rage lol.
    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO
    Think of the reserved slot as a vip ticket to the club. You get to go past the line and kick someone out of the club so you can get in. However if on your way to the club some fat ass gets stuck in the door when the bouncer goes to check him then you got to wait for the fire department to cut his fat ass out of the door before you can get in.

  5. Default

    Glad to hear from you and to see that things are going well. Hopefully it will not be too much longer before your back in game owning us up

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    You better get all bionic so you can play CSS again soon
    Hand Eye Cord Hax! No fair... =(
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

  7. Default

    Hey Chronic. Good to hear from you. Hope all is well. Pop into the server some time after you recover.

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