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Thread: Hi

  1. #1

    Default Hi

    I thought I'd sign up on the forums considering I've been playing here for quite a while... I stopped because my computer was shit but I'm back and I have a new computer. I used to play as "dot"... don't really know if anyone remembers me... but whatever.

    Look forward to having fun in-game.


  2. Default

    Welcome.. enjoy.  96

  3. Default

    Interesting avatar. Welcome to the Forums.

  4. #4


    Thanks for the welcome.

  5. Default

    LOL nice signature.

  6. Default

    Sup...welcome on the forums....

    wrap your dick or you ll get sick


  7. Default

    Don't be silly wrap your willy.
    Welcome.. once again.  96

  8. Default

    Look the Germans also had wireless headsets in WWII !!!!!!!!!!

  9. Default

    For all that i hate the Nazi. I got to say we would be way more technically advanced right now if they had won. But then also billions of people would have been killed....

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