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Thread: LG sues SONY

  1. Default

    Well ummm "Will it Blend"?!? Playstation smoke, Don't breathe this!

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Steamer View Post
    Higher quality laser. Higher capacity discs. "Future Proof".
    First off, HD-DVD players used an almost identical laser. And furthermore, bluray had over a year of additional R&D time after they had a prototype in mass production before HD-DVD started getting major support. The very first bluray was about the same size as HD-DVD. The problem was, when bluray upgraded its capacity, HD-DVD hadn't had the time to be improved upon - it was a fresh and imperfect MP prototype. HD-DVD is mechanically better for video games because of the lower seek time, but all people see is AMG ITS BLURAY and it had a higher capacity (at the time).

    Not like any of that matters now with SSDs being proof-of-concept for massive flash storage. It wont be 5 years before everything goes to chip-based storage. I can't wait to play console games again without load times. Solid-state = win.

    Look at your sig, now back to mine, now back to yours, now back to mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine. But if you stopped trolling and e-thugging like a nerd yours could be like mine.
    Look down, now back up. Where are you? You're on, reading the sig your sig could be like. I'm sexting your girl.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by dice View Post
    First off, HD-DVD players used an almost identical laser. And furthermore, bluray had over a year of additional R&D time after they had a prototype in mass production before HD-DVD started getting major support. The very first bluray was about the same size as HD-DVD. The problem was, when bluray upgraded its capacity, HD-DVD hadn't had the time to be improved upon - it was a fresh and imperfect MP prototype. HD-DVD is mechanically better for video games because of the lower seek time, but all people see is AMG ITS BLURAY and it had a higher capacity (at the time).

    Not like any of that matters now with SSDs being proof-of-concept for massive flash storage. It wont be 5 years before everything goes to chip-based storage. I can't wait to play console games again without load times. Solid-state = win.
    Well said. I do not own any type of Blu-Ray Drive or a PS3 for that matter. PC to TV! Now only if the ISP's could give me better speeds, caps, and price plans.... That's another thread though... anywho... This is all licencse/market BS.
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

  4. Default

    That is the only gaming system you will ever need. Throw in a couple James Bond games, Perfect Dark 2, some epic Mario Party and Mario Kart and your set for life. Gaming systems are meant to play games, not make phone calls
    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    thx for all the opinions and advice ppl... aside from rage lol.
    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO
    Think of the reserved slot as a vip ticket to the club. You get to go past the line and kick someone out of the club so you can get in. However if on your way to the club some fat ass gets stuck in the door when the bouncer goes to check him then you got to wait for the fire department to cut his fat ass out of the door before you can get in.

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by dice View Post
    Solid-state = win.
    Yeah, Solid state is win, except that GB for GB its the most expensive form of data saving on the planet. I say we got a bit more than 5 years to wait before everything goes chip. And even longer before solid state becomes standard.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Superman View Post
    Yeah, Solid state is win, except that GB for GB its the most expensive form of data saving on the planet. I say we got a bit more than 5 years to wait before everything goes chip. And even longer before solid state becomes standard.
    $ per GB has reduced by a rate of about 25% a year since it began serious mass production (around 2007), not to mention capacities have skyrocketed. 5 years? Nah. Sure, its more expensive... for now, and probably will be when the rush hits but not much longer after that. In fact, the nature of solid-state media would actually offset the increased cost at least for the videogame industry - there would be no need to have internal storage on the console. Making them smaller, cooler, and consume less power. The only hurdle I see that might slow solid's progress is lifetime - discs basically last forever if you treat them well, but solid-state media has an active lifespan of just a couple years (currently) depending on how much the chip is written to. Considering console generations seem to be lasting longer and longer, you'd want your games to last at least as long as your console. There are, of course, ways around this but none of them are pretty. Install games to console, or include backup licenses with the games.

    Another thing that should be interesting to see is how much broadband availability/bandwidth improve in the same timespan. Bets on the first console developer to offer top titles 100% streamed? You can call me crazy for that, but I'd wager the blockbuster CEO would take the bet right about now...
    Last edited by dice; 03-03-2011 at 03:48 PM. Reason: Apperently I'm retarded.

    Look at your sig, now back to mine, now back to yours, now back to mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine. But if you stopped trolling and e-thugging like a nerd yours could be like mine.
    Look down, now back up. Where are you? You're on, reading the sig your sig could be like. I'm sexting your girl.

  7. Default

    a chips active life span is HUGE with current technology, yes it may be 3 years, but thats only when CONSTANTLY writing/rewriting, 24/7, for 3 fucking years

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by StarsMine View Post
    a chips active life span is HUGE with current technology, yes it may be 3 years, but thats only when CONSTANTLY writing/rewriting, 24/7, for 3 fucking years
    Its a matter of IOPS, and the only higher IOPS appliction than video gaming would be, well, mass network storage. But those rackmount SSDs use a totally different architecture than the ones in laptops, etc. Those aren't as durable.

    Look at your sig, now back to mine, now back to yours, now back to mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine. But if you stopped trolling and e-thugging like a nerd yours could be like mine.
    Look down, now back up. Where are you? You're on, reading the sig your sig could be like. I'm sexting your girl.

  9. Default

    well dispite the huge epic fail of the picture in my last post....

    an N64 is all you will ever need
    Quote Originally Posted by maynard View Post
    thx for all the opinions and advice ppl... aside from rage lol.
    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO
    Think of the reserved slot as a vip ticket to the club. You get to go past the line and kick someone out of the club so you can get in. However if on your way to the club some fat ass gets stuck in the door when the bouncer goes to check him then you got to wait for the fire department to cut his fat ass out of the door before you can get in.

  10. #20


    Solid state is still REALLY expensive and its been going for well over 5 years, 4 of which you may of heard about, but they been working on it for a long time. Right now you can get a 30GB Solid State for $100. Seriously, thats like, windows and wow and thats it, get an external for anything 100 GB one will run you $200-$250. With that much money I can get a 2TB Raided (0) and still have the performance of the solid state. You have a while before prices are down and even longer before they consider implementation of SS in games.

    And as for the lawsuit, its asinine, its bogus, its outrageous. Its.... Its just a waste of time. And its only going to ruin one or the other's reputation. Either they win and LG makes big and Sony goes bankrupt, or they loose and LG is now know as the scandal-is company that whines and cries. Either way the public looses.
    Last edited by Superman; 03-04-2011 at 09:54 AM.

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