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Thread: requesting that racism should be strictly enforced..

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    Quote Originally Posted by taz1stP View Post
    ok zero has said this before he dousnt care if people use rasest words as long as not aimed at someone so this isnt going to go anywhere and is in wrong area should be in discussions
    i think i rather hear it from zero instead of hearing it from you

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    Quote Originally Posted by alex_mamaroneck View Post
    which is why people are getting away with those racial slurs. they can say it out of the blue and said it wasn't towards anyone its. its making it harder for admins to judge on how they say it or try to wonder if it was toward someone or noone. its twisted rule is getting out of hand.

    ---------- Post added at 03:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:40 PM ----------

    are you blind or can you read my response or even the title? this thread is not about you. post an abuse thread on me if you want to talk about your case.
    I about only play on pub now days. I usually have no problem identifying if someone is trying to be an ass or just joking around. I have heard clan use the word nigga before, and some other racial slurs, but they were joking and everyone was cool with it. Hell I have been called a redneck and shit before over mic, and it didn't even phase me, and I know I have a southern accent, but I knew they were joking and it was all in good fun. I will reserve judgement on z mod, for I have not played there in a while and the server can get out of hand.

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    Acceptable: "Niggaz be trippin"

    Not acceptable: "Shut the fudgesicle up you polack son of a biscuit"

    If you have a problem with someone saying something, let them know that you are not cool with it.

    If you say it and someone asks you to stop, please do so.

    If the perpetrator becomes belligerent, a mute would be in order.

    This is just my opinion of course. We shouldn't be so technical with these things, and it should only be illegal if it causes a problem, and should be handled with maturity as with any situation.

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    personally I think people should buck up and get over them selfs... 1 this is the internet 2 we're a community based on playing video games...

    Zero has said MANY times what the rules are regarding racism but I guess I need 2 fill you guys in again....

    Racist comments and or jokes are fully allowed in our servers. Zero fully believes in freedom of speech. the only hitch is that you can't direct racist comments towards someone... here's some examples.

    Acceptable: What the nigger was that!? (harold and kumar)
    Not Acceptable: Alex, you're a stupid nigger.

    provided the comments aren't directed at any 1 in server there is no issue. if someone does direct racism towards someone then you can inform of them of the rules, if they continue 2 do it, then follow normal protocol, mutes, kicks, temp bans whatever.

    personally I think people should stop being butt hurt over something so trivial... most of you know for damn sure if you saw a black person in RL say whats up nigger 2 another black person, you would infact not have a problem with it... even though that's racism in it's self. telling someone that they can or can't do something based on the color of there skin is RACISM.

    half the world has some religious beliefs, yet you don't hear those who do qqing they want rules put in place so God bashing can't happen on our servers, nor is any 1 saying "whoa, bashing someone's beliefs is just as bad of racism when you think about it! we shouldn't allow this" my point being you guys are picking and choosing what you think should be allowed 2 be said within the servers as where zero believes in complete freedom of speech provided it syncs up with the couple rules we do have in place, like being respectful of clan and admin, and not directing racism at people..... if you don't like what people are saying, then don't listen 2 them? it's really simple.

    I'm closing this thread cause this issue has been brought up many times and it ends the exact same way every time... and that's it ending with... Racist words and jokes are ALLOWED on our servers provided you're not directing it at someone.

    This community is a dictatorship not a democracy and Zero's word is the law and he's also made it very clear multiple times in the past regarding what his opinion is on this issue.
    Last edited by maynard; 03-18-2011 at 06:36 PM.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

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