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Thread: verifying a rule

  1. Question verifying a rule

    hi hey hello im not reporting anyone, im just curious about something (kinda silly an stupid but i wanna ask anyways) that came to my attention last night (my first night as an admin)

    Admins are never to use admin powers on other admins! (I cant state this enough)
    If you see an admin abusing please make a demo.
    its unprofessional i kno, but is it considered "abuse" when admins slap/freeze/burn each other back and forth when both are just in the server bored and messing around with each other while monitoring uers, and its not out of any means of fighting or anything? i think i already know the answer but hey forums are for discussing and asking things so i wanted to bring it up

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    honestly you have no idea because technically it's considered "abuse", but admins do it all the time and just mess arround. The main thing you just have to be carefull with that is you have to make sure that the other admin sees it as a joke because if the other admin doesn't find it a joke or appreciate that than YOU MUST STOP!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by inthebutt View Post
    you all are a bunch oh whiny little bitches..
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitman
    0.o.....dem sum fightin wurdz LOL

    I am really scared.....You sending Fiona after me? LOL

  3. Default

    Technically it is still considered abuse. It looks bad on the server but people do it all the time. Like Joker said, the other person has to be okay with it. A slap at the end of the round to a buddy isn't a big deal really but if you take it too far it starts conflicts.

    I'm sure it is abuse but do I think Zero or clan members will act on it? Probably not. Unless is goes beyond a reasonable limit..
    Fear is a Liar.

  4. Default

    plz post in the proper section if you have questions relating 2 admin rules, like the admin help or rules section of the forum. it's also easier and quicker 2 just PM a clan member or someone you know who has been an admin for a long time and ask them.

    admins who are friends tend 2 mess around and blind and slap each other and what not for fun... the rule is mainly in place 2 prevent admins from using commands against other admins in a negative way... like 2 people fighting and 1 gets mad and bans the other or mutes them or whatever.

    admins shouldn't be using commands on 1 another... but it's over looked provided it doesn't end up on the forums as claimed abuse. just last week I had 2 split up 2 long time friends who like 2 use commands on each other but 1 person got mad and it went 2 far... my point... you best be damn sure if you cast something on another admin it doesn't end up on the forums or makes me or any other clan member have 2 waste their time.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Pl@YwithM3 View Post
    hi hey hello im not reporting anyone, im just curious about something (kinda silly an stupid but i wanna ask anyways) that came to my attention last night (my first night as an admin)

    its unprofessional i kno, but is it considered "abuse" when admins slap/freeze/burn each other back and forth when both are just in the server bored and messing around with each other while monitoring uers, and its not out of any means of fighting or anything? i think i already know the answer but hey forums are for discussing and asking things so i wanted to bring it up
    As an Ibis clan member I see it like this.... All Clan here at ibis started as players and admins ourselves.
    We know that admins (especially friends) are going to play around with each other from time to time (all in good fun).
    If I'm in a server and know you... and you slap me around at the end of a match I'm not going to ban you.

    That being said... lets say hypothetically your playing with another admin (who we will just call bob) you use admin powers jokingly on this person for several rounds one night and its all in good fun.
    Now the next night you have a falling out with "bob" and hes really pissed at you. He was demoing the night before and posts those demos claiming he was not alright with your actions.
    Now all Zero and Clan will have to go by is the demos. As stated by the rules you did abuse by using powers on a fellow admin and action would be taken.

    I give you props for coming in and asking for clarification... the bottom line is that the rule states to never use admin powers on a fellow admin.
    Zero is not going to check the logs every night to make sure no horse playing occurred.... but anytime you use your admin powers on another admin regardless of the reason you do so with some element of risk.

  6. #6


    i have an idea, dont do it.
    Personal reform

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