I love everyone =] and i think people would get along with me. im a cool guy and im dedicated to ibis server =D
im not that active on pub server but in on like 24/7 on zombie mod o.O if that counts for anything =].
I love everyone =] and i think people would get along with me. im a cool guy and im dedicated to ibis server =D
im not that active on pub server but in on like 24/7 on zombie mod o.O if that counts for anything =].
He came into pub and asked me if i owned the server.... WILE ZERO WAS ON AND PLAYING ON THE SAME TEAM! You dont have a mic and that is the minimum requirement to be in ibis. Also you know nothing about our servers or the way that they are structured. I suggest you buy a mic, play more, and learn how we do things.
i do have a mic and i was just asking because i thought <ibis> was only for zero. and i play ibis alot just on zombie mod o.O but i can be active on pub too
<ibis> is the clan tag only official clan members where that tag <ibis.a> is for admin which are not part of the clan
He was on today all day with the name Mayhem wearing the ibis tag. Talk about confidence.
Oh, and this guy is better know by the name Oblivion in zombie.
i was offline all day figuring out how to pay for admin
which reminds me i finally bought it =D
oblivion im sorry but i can't imagine wut ur gonna do with admin when u get it. and u can't put ibis even if you can't put ibis.a in ur name. i would suggest changing it to something without special characters. putting ibis in your name without being in the clan is bannable even if your an admin...
Unless he was using a different Steam ID and different IP, I think you've got the wrong fellow.
I was going to mention something earlier, was a little perturbed with CSS altogether though so I got bored and took a nap.lol.
There is a fellow that was playing ZM around... approx 1300 hrs today (EST) using special characters to spell Mayhem, wearing the <ibis> tag. Don't know if he's a member or not, and that's about all I've got from an investigative standpoint.