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Thread: 029 Athena [240] v1.0.3

  1. Default

    I will go test it out but i need people to test it on xD

  2. Default

    OH BOY! Realm goes shiney and POOF! Masskid and I both got kicked when he hit me with realm, while I was on raps.

    Spear hits, gives me notification, and seems to be fine.
    Last edited by Blackmage; 07-31-2011 at 10:25 PM.

  3. Default

    realm makes everyone disconnect
    Last edited by Masskid; 07-31-2011 at 10:36 PM.

  4. Default

    If thats the logic then the best way forward would be to hold 8 skillpoints and then drop all of it.

    If one was maxed and the other is 0, it would fare better then a maxed one and a lv 1-4 or so.
    So now the question would be is it better to max 1 then hold out, or to alternate between the two skills.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  5. Default

    Well as far as leveling goes that only effects some not all races that have those types of abilities, also you do not know which of those abilities is the one done first so I would not worry about it for now.

  6. Default

    I fixed the crash issue, apparently the alpha must be 255...

    Due to crashes on my local system work is delayed till tomorrow for when I can finish checkdisk on 10 drives

  7. Default

    Would it be wishful thinking to see the 3 races go live tomorrow?

  8. Default

    I think they will all go live tomorrow as I originally planned

    Also FYI the new system of handling the double events should NOT effect their probability.

    Example: X=A+B-(AB)

    The above function is constant, if A is smaller B is larger and vice versa. As a result if we make A smaller 50% of the time and B larger 50% (and then invert this every time) of the time the average value of A and B is maintained. This is seen above where X is a constant of the probability of any event occurring.

    Think of it like this if there was a 50% chance of something or something else occurring and they both occurred and we then changed the occurrence of one of the two at random after the fact to have not occurred the chance of anything occurring was still 50% as something did indeed occur.

    So as you can see from the examples above I have worked it out so that we can make it so that particular events that we do not want to occur at the same time (such as dmg events) can not occur at the same time without reducing the likelihood of them actually occurring!

  9. Default

    New method of assigning the actual levels reduces the number of statements executed from 2X^2 to X+2X+3X... where X is the number of skills a race has. (Note the addation function continues for a length = to the number of skills a race has)

    As you can see from the math this Greatly improves performance when ever skill levels are updated which occurs at the start of every round and whenever you change a skills level.

    This new method is already in place on this race and has been tested and confirmed working.

  10. Default

    New check for preventing stacking on dmg abilities is done and uses switch statements. This greatly reduces the number of variables created and speeds up execution time. Rather than use a Boolean check a variable is defined as 0 in which case nothing will run. If the first skill is selected 1 is added to this value and if the second skill is selected 2 is added to the value so that it will thus be 3 if both were selected thus triggering the condition where only 1 of the 2 is then selected. To allow for this skills were recreated into their own methods so they could be called from the switches. This methodology should reduce the total number of calls and thus increase performance for hit based abilities.

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