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Thread: 029 Athena [240] v1.0.3

  1. Default 029 Athena [240] v1.0.3

    Required Level: 240
    Levels per ability: 8
    Item Restrictions: helm,lace
    Athena's Realm: 12-33% chance to do 20-60% more damage
    Athena's Spear: 13-33% chance for extra damage
    Necklace of Immunity: 10-45% chance to be immune to ultimates
    Golden Helmet: 20-66% chance to evade head shots
    Medusa's gaze: Freeze all opponents at 55-75ft every 15-10sec

    • 1.0.0
      • Initial Release

    • 1.0.1
      • Prevent immunity from carrying over to new race.

    • 1.0.2
      • Race is now on Restored Version

    • 1.0.3
      • Modified freeze code to new method to catch flyers.
    Last edited by ZERO; 01-25-2014 at 05:13 PM.

  2. Default

    Fucking eh!!!

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  3. Default

    finaly, something to stop the vaga and spidy bitching

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    So... what your trying to tell me is that you saw a spherical square?

  4. Default

    yeah, this is a major class we've been lacking and needing for balance issues, glad it will be back soon =p

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  5. Default

    Do I hear QQ?

    Poor Vaga's!
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

  6. Default

    Uhm do we know how long these players are frozen for... b/c I can not find it anywhere in the code.

    ---------- Post added at 06:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:41 PM ----------

    It appears to only freeze them for 2-4 seconds. I assume this is correct due to how far this ult works.

  7. Default

    was like 5 seconds. and more lvls into the ultimate made it quicker 2 use

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  8. Default

    Ok I used 5.

    Race has all abilities completed, it is now ready for skill testing. Only the helm effect is done NO OTHER EFFECTS have been done. Please report any problems.

  9. Default

    Jack > Athena

  10. Default

    This race like some others is coded in such a way that two dmg abilities will never trigger at the same time. However, I have realized that this should logically create a problem with the probability of a skill being triggered.

    This is becuase the second ability can only have a change to trigger if the first did not trigger. I previously balanced this by making the best dmg ability always first but there is a better way.

    Currently the logic goes:
    ability 1 chance (if true stop)
    if false continue
    ability 2 chance(if true stop)

    The above logic ensures that no 2 abilitys can occur for the same shot but it does so at the cost of the probability of ability 2.

    New Logic:
    ability 1 chance (if true make note)
    ability 2 chance (if true make note)
    [if both above true randomly select 1]
    continue with the one that is true if none true stop

    The above logic gives each ability an equal chance to occur and only effects the probability if they both occurred at the same time. Because it then splits the difference 50/50 it does not effect the long term outcomes and thus the effective probability of the skills.

    I will be using this new logic in this race, as such additional testing will be needed tomorrow as well to ensure this works correctly. I will post after this logic is added and ready for testing.

    Currently the Athena's Realm effect is now done so please test and comment on it.

    ---------- Post added at 10:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 PM ----------

    The new chance system has been added. It has also been coded in such a way as that going back and replacing it with case statements in the future will be easy!

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