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Thread: My complaint about the new banning system.

  1. Arrow My complaint about the new banning system.

    As an admin of the ibis community for over a year, and a long standing member, I think this new banning process takes way too long and is extremely cumbersome. It takes over 10 mins to post a ban thread now. It is ridiculous. I just banned a blatant hacker in WCS and I am seriously dreading posting a ban request. I have to download the demo from the ftp server, then literally go right back and upload it. I have to take the time to figure out every small detail and post in a special way or basically my ban is null. It seriously makes me want to ban hackers for a few hours, just because of the sheer pain in the ass it is to get the ban upgraded to permanent.

    Seriously, before it was literally a min or two and it was a done deal, now it's a long drawn out process. I miss the old system. /end rant

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    Before you were required to have a demo for perma bans, so I do not really see how much is different...

    I do want to make it so you can fill out a forum and have it auto complete. In addition reporting it like this ensures that we can submit demos of these blatant hackers to sourcebans so they can get banned from thousands of servers. I think it is worth a little extra time to ensure that these hackers get kicked from as many servers as possible.

  3. Default

    Lol you serious?

    it takes literally 20 seconds tops 2 find the demo you need, takes about 10-20 seconds 2 upload it and then you fill in this

    Name in Game:
    Link to ban:
    Reason for perma ban

    Lol... 10 minutes? you kidding? unless you type like 2 words a minute, no clue how you're having problems.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

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    Yes I am serious. You have to download the demo from sourceTV, then re upload it. (some demos are pretty large, not everyone has a fast upload speed.) Then you have to go to source bans, find your ban, find all the information, keep copying and keep pasting. It took me nine mins, to do the ban I just posted. Then you got to search in sourcebans for the link. You have to literally either have another page open with the read me to make sure its perfect or copy and paste the whole read me. You have to make a damn poll, all of this takes time, I don't care how fast you are at typing. Everything has to be in perfect order, or guess what, you complain, and regardless of the demo, the ban is null. Not to mention admins aren't trusted to make full bans anymore and it takes YOUR time reviewing them.

    I understand that they need to be banned from all servers and what not, but we never had a format this strict. It does take time copying and pasting and downloading and uploading, regardless of what you guys think.
    Before, you posted demo, steam id, name and what they were banned for. It took a couple mins tops. Nobody was going crazy over the order of things as long as the vital information was there.

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    lol I suggest taking a typing class. also if you don't wana deal with big uploads and downloads then make your own demo.

    also as 0 has stated you had 2 post demo's before also, and there was a format for posting bans, just as there's a format for posting admin abuse, or unban me claims or anything... not sure why you're acting like this is a new process... sure it's a bit diff now, but it's no where near as bad as you're making it 2 be. also the new system isn't going anywhere... so... yea.....

    and we did have strict formats before, most people just didn't follow them... admins are being held accountable for the bans they make from now on, it is what it is.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

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    I guess I am just not used to posting things in such a strict format. Maybe I will get faster, I dunno. I do miss the old slack days.
    ZERO, I think a form would be MUCH better though, because honestly, it was the clicking back and forth and trying to get things in order is what took the most time. I had like 4 pages open, sourcebans page, readme page, my actual banning post and the attachment page open, all switching between them and doing a lot of copying and pasting.

  7. #7


    im 50/50 on this topic. Im a traditional kind of person, you know, record my own personal demo to post. This is alot faster then the Source TV stuff... what id like to know is if it is mandatory for admins to use source tv vs there own demos they record.
    Personal reform

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    record you own demo's if you want, just make sure you got SB status and they aren't like only 1 round long demo's.

    Maynard - The WCS Guy

  9. Default

    Yea your own demos are fine especially b/c they are easier for us to review anyways. The important thing is to submit the things with the best evidence.

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