So i decided to do a new project, something my bro did for half-life and its old mods like TFC, and CS 1.6.
That is, hack maps. Difference between this and editing a map is the fact the changes are only server sided, so only the server needs the new modified map. I don't rebuild maps.
So if you have an old version of the map, you won't have to redownload the map again. For example, on 1.6, we made de_vegas into a hostage rescue map, switch the spawns and stuck the hostages in the inside bombing zone. Map was very popular on the server and most people were confused why they didn't have to redownload the map lol.
heres what i done so far the past 30 mins:
lila_panic_v2: got ride of the money box and replaced it with a coke machine
Highschool_beta: removed the bookcase out of the red room.
Heres what i plan on doing:
make it so if you push a moving object (like a couch) into the red room, it will automatically disappear.
Make the Gun Room Door cause no damage
remove that moving metal shelf thats in the mini outside room between the 2 spawns.
Put objects in vents to make it more smaller (optional by ibis community)
Island defense:
More spawns
Kill objects in the walls: so if someone glitches they will die.
Office Attack:
Make it so that coke machine is easier to push & the door to that room is not lethal
Jurrasic Park:
Make the Breakable objects in water take longer to break
Make the Door to generator harder to break
Make it so that the plank over the fence in T-rex den unbreakable
Mario Escape:
Make The first left tube a 2nd teleport that leads to the same room as the first tube, but a slightly offset position.
Take away that hidden teleport beside first tube. (i figure people will get less stuck if they take tube normally.
ATIX Helicopter Escape
Make it so if zombies go on top of that one light post, they will automatically be knocked off.