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Thread: ZM Bans

  1. Default ZM Bans

    Please remember admins that you must give proper warnings before you ban people for things such as racism, zteleing, and cadebreaking.

    Also remember that you must give a proper punishment length. Banning for one month for a first offense cadebreaking is not an acceptible length.

  2. Default

    Yes. Some of the admins around here just ban people without giving them a warning. That get's really annoying and could escalate into bigger things like an abuse thread. When I had admin, at least before I would ban someone, I always give them a chance to tell them to stop. If they don't, goes into freezing. If they continue, then comes a kick. If a third time happens, then would come a ban. Ban = depending on the situation.

  3. Default Banned

    Could you please unban me? I feel like this post is about me considering I was banned today at around that time =o
    Is it considered cadebreaking if you get to the cadespot before they get there and destroy it? They came after I was destroying it and then whined about me cadebreaking. Im talking about zm_little town or something of the sort, completely unfair to zombies. A bunch of CT's were whining about how boring it was so I destroyed the EZ win spots.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by gameguy2001 View Post
    Could you please unban me? I feel like this post is about me considering I was banned today at around that time =o
    Is it considered cadebreaking if you get to the cadespot before they get there and destroy it? They came after I was destroying it and then whined about me cadebreaking. Im talking about zm_little town or something of the sort, completely unfair to zombies. A bunch of CT's were whining about how boring it was so I destroyed the EZ win spots.
    That is still considered cade breaking. Even if it is your cade, you cannot cade break when others are there with you. In the rules.

  5. Default

    More so Team Killing. If you where there first it's yours and do what you want with it, UNLESS you where to purposely do something to the cade with other members inside and have your team members killed.
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

  6. Default

    more importantly I got no warning and only did it once. Huzzah for paid admins!

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by gameguy2001 View Post
    more importantly I got no warning and only did it once. Huzzah for paid admins!
    Do you know what admin banned you?

  8. Default

    While I agree with you Blade, if I happen to see a regular breaking the rules I tend not to give a warning, they know the rules and how many times do I or someone have to warn them before they get the idea?

    And secondly I doubt I would know many of the regulars anymore.
    These are the words you wish you wrote down.

  9. Default

    it was chris. and also, don't talk shit about the paid admins. we get a problem case once in a while, but the vast majority are good people. chris is one of the decent ones.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  10. Default

    I agree. Chris is a good admin. He's also a cool person to be around. I like Chris as admin so far. Doing a good job.

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