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Thread: Dear Clan members...

  1. #1

    Default Dear Clan members...

    I just wanted to bring to your attention that the map zm_lila_panic_v2 has a minor flaw in the coding, which places your sprays in large scale all over the map. Its just a minor bug, but wanted it to be at your attention in the case that is was a coding issue that could cause further issues. Thanks, Rambo

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by lt.rambo View Post
    I just wanted to bring to your attention that the map zm_lila_panic_v2 has a minor flaw in the coding, which places your sprays in large scale all over the map. Its just a minor bug, but wanted it to be at your attention in the case that is was a coding issue that could cause further issues. Thanks, Rambo
    been like that forever. it's definately odd, but i doubt it could actually hurt the server.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  3. Default

    As Acolyte said, its been there for a long time, and has yet to cause issues with the server; thanks for bringing it up though!


    Rezel<ibis>: i'll make a self reliant artificial intelligence to deal with admins... I'll call it maynard 1.0 a exact replica of his personality to kick the shit out of bad admins..
    maynard<ibis>: an army of AI maynards.... this pleases me.

  4. Default

    It's been up there since the CS:S update.

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