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Thread: Delays

  1. Arrow Delays

    There will be delays though next week as I now for real this time moving my stuff back from school. Also I want to let any of you know that thinks I was on vacation for 3 weeks that logically I was not or there would not have been all of those updates at the end and start of this month. The vacation to Europe was canceled and I have been working on the servers and for my dad since that time. I do still plan to be able to get all the rest of the wcs races finished after the move so that they will be finished before the end of the month.

  2. Default

    Getting things unpacked here so things are still all lagged up. I hope to be able to do some updates to the map lists and some other things by the end of the week. Hopefully can get 1-2 wcs races released by next Tuesday. I still plan to have them all finished by the end of next week.

    One big setback is I had some plaster fall in my eyes so I have had limited use of them for a few days now... tonight I will try some eye drops to see if that helps.

  3. Default

    Damn, hope every things good.

    My step-father went blind for a week in the right eye after an infection from drywall (dust in the eye) he was installing. Crazy shit.
    Make all your last demands for I will forsake you and I'll meet your eyes for the very first time, for the very last.

    maynard <ibis>: they are awkward and last 2 damn long. I prefer thinner smaller ones

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