As of late a few admins feel the need to continuously slap one, or all players at the end of every single round on the gun game server, haven't seen it the last few days I have been on zmod so I am not sure if they do it there too. Now if there were no text chatting, or, if there were no message that says someone is being slapped, this wouldn't be a problem, but since not everyone uses a mic, like myself, I have to chat using my keyboard. So how is it possible to read what someone else writes when the admin is spamming the chat with slaps. Spam is spam. Normal players get in trouble for spamming.

III. Spamming
1) Yelling into a mic repeatedly to disrupt game play
2) The use of HLSS
A) Can be used with permission from admin or if players are requesting it
B) Should not be overused or used for long durations
3) Advertising for another server or clan
A) Preformed by saying: Join here
B) Such as come to XXX join my clan
C) Getting people to join player groups can be done via steam. Do not wast chat space for this sort of thing
4) Just typing a bunch of stuff to spam the chat
Having slap all players on a bind means they only have to press one button, which only makes the spam that much faster. Last few times in particular that I remember, I don't know who said something, or what they said, I never checked in console (and I sure as hell shouldn't have to check in console in the first place to see what someone said), but their message disappeared behind a wall of slap messages in less than a second.

It's annoying, it's spam, the admins need to chill out and use their admin powers the way they are supposed to. The occasional time is fine, I will record the next time an admin feels the need to do this every single round. People get punished for spamming, and admins are not above the rules.