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Thread: Upper Level Admin slots now open!

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    2 questions.

    1. I applied but i'm not 100% certain i've been an admin for over 9 months. Is there a way to check other than paypal? My paypal says October 11th 2010.

    2. In the abuse thread part, should i add that i got banned once? It was long time ago on the previous WCS server when i got banned for hacking by Hitman but it was decided that i wasn't hacking.

    On another note, Upper admins should get to use tag as their own :P
    "Intolerance and superstition has always been the domain of the more stupid amongst the common folk and, I conjecture, will never be uprooted, for they are as eternal as stupidity itself. There, where mountains tower today, one day there will be seas; there where today seas surge, will one day be deserts. But stupidity will remain stupidity."
    “You surround the dead with veneration and memory, you dream of immortality, and in your myths and legends there’s always someone being resurrected, conquering death. But were your esteemed late great-grandfather really to suddenly rise from the grave and order a beer, panic would ensue.”
    “A coward dies a hundred times. A brave man dies but once. But Dame Fortune favours the brave and holds the coward in contempt.'

  2. Default

    Uh oh..
    Yeah. I'm an admin. What of it?

  3. #23


    Hmm i should qualify, just got back from some training and Rage quiting rift.!

    applying now!
    Personal reform

  4. Default

    Say xerenix brings up a good point how will some know wgom is a upper level admin if uppers have the same tag as the default admins? For senoirity purposes
    Quote Originally Posted by inthebutt View Post
    you all are a bunch oh whiny little bitches..
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitman
    0.o.....dem sum fightin wurdz LOL

    I am really scared.....You sending Fiona after me? LOL

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    i qualify i do believe and im not leaving servers any time soon however i dont think i want the responsibility i used to want clan but im coming to a point where id rather just be a regular love the servers and stuff it just seems like its too much of a bother more than something to enjoy. >.< but who know when cs go is out things might change.
    victory is won by skill never cheating, cheating only results in havok, havok only leads to suffering, and suffering only leads to agony of defeat.

  7. Default

    The upper level does not get any seniority. As stated they get to use admin on other admins when those admins are breaking rules and get to review demos and issue perma bans/unbans. They also get the perma ban button in the ingame menu.

  8. Default

    explain what you guys mean by 'senior admin'. like, when a clan member is in the server and he's automatically senior because he's the shit? :P

    i think that'd be fine for an upper level admin when he's in server. it's like regular admins->whose there the longest=senior. when an upper's in there he's always senior (among regular admins) unless a clan is in there, or another upper is there first, like with normal admins.

    that would be alright maybe.

    i don't know about the need for a special tag to set them apart. eh.

  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by DJ_MikeyRevile View Post
    Hmm i should qualify, just got back from some training and Rage quiting rift.!
    that'll last what, a week?

    Quote Originally Posted by Link View Post
    explain what you guys mean by 'senior admin'. like, when a clan member is in the server and he's automatically senior because he's the shit? :P

    i think that'd be fine for an upper level admin when he's in server. it's like regular admins->whose there the longest=senior. when an upper's in there he's always senior (among regular admins) unless a clan is in there, or another upper is there first, like with normal admins.

    that would be alright maybe.

    i don't know about the need for a special tag to set them apart. eh.
    we'd need a special tag, but they don't get seniority. as zero has stated.

    unless you want to keep it secret zero. turn them into an inquisition and shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGBEARS
    I feel it is important for me to let you know how feeble your efforts to strike such feelings inside of me really are. I have the internal fortitude of a large animal, an elephant, for instance. Likewise, I'm the result of coitus between the devil and a pack mule made out of chainsaws, so I am extremely strong, and carry little care for others in this world. Trees also stand aside due to my chainsaw blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by ๖ReS View Post
    How am I supposed to tell you to fuck off without replying ?

  10. Default

    Just going to say this $0.02, before abuse threads and drama start between admins, don't use your upper admin privileges to mess with the regular admins. Most people enjoy jokes, but some admins can get really butthurt over little stuff, so let's keep the drama shows on TV and not on the forums

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