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Thread: GG mods

  1. Default GG mods

    Lately there has been more and more new mods placed on the GG server. I have no problem with useful mods being added, but the jeer/cheer mods and the more recent ones since the nade mod have seriously taxed my connection. I'm not exactly sure what did it but i went from a usual 37-39ping to a consistent 108-112. I don't have a great PC i will admit, but what was added that my ping almost triples on only the IBIS server? my ping hasn't changed on any of the other servers i play on only on IBIS.

    Thanks for your time and input

  2. Default

    it is impossible for those to have that dramatic of an impact on ping. Keyword impossible... Now the server did go to 100tick and that can and will have an impact on ping if your rates are not set correctly. Also is the scoreboard latency or the net graph 3 ping.

    Here is an interesting test: in cmd type ping and note the result for time. If this is dramatically different from what you get in your netgrpah 3 output then there is a major problem. Remember that pining via cmd is only sending an actual packet to that server it does not have anythgin to do with what the server is runing.

  3. Default

    is it possible to mute !cheer? its so loud it busts my ear drums.

  4. Default

    I think I can make it quieter so I will try that.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ZERO View Post
    it is impossible for those to have that dramatic of an impact on ping. Keyword impossible... Now the server did go to 100tick and that can and will have an impact on ping if your rates are not set correctly. Also is the scoreboard latency or the net graph 3 ping.

    Here is an interesting test: in cmd type ping and note the result for time. If this is dramatically different from what you get in your netgrpah 3 output then there is a major problem. Remember that pining via cmd is only sending an actual packet to that server it does not have anythgin to do with what the server is runing.
    I'll try that zero, thanks. woulda replied sooner but i was out of town

  6. Default

    my netgraph says i have a 45ms ping and my console had 58ms

  7. Default

    OK set your
    cl_interp .045
    cl_cmdrate 101
    rate 25000-30000

    Also set cl_update rate to your average fps

    If set correctly you should have 0 choke to maybe 2-3 during spawn. If you have any loss you are dropping packets and there is a problem with the physical connection. Remember choke not loss represents an overloaded connection and or incorrect rate settings.

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