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Thread: Accidently Banned

  1. Default Accidently Banned

    Like a dumass I rushed everything and even found myself unable to log into my own account lol. So heres the remade version although i only saw bluedevil in the match.

    Name in Game: ragemachine13
    Steam-ID: 0:1:19294084
    Who banned you: bluedevil
    When: a month ago
    Where: rooftop runaway
    Why banned: blocking

    Other/Reason to unban:it was actually "v for vendetta"

  2. Default

    So you now post a month later.If you are still banned. it was a perm banned, there for the admin blue devil has to state the reason why he banned you perm.Admin do not perm banned for blocking.

  3. Default

    I don't know why I was banned then. There was no warning or anything. And I posted this late bc I really want back on. The other servers suck.

  4. Default

    Actually Dual Ive been in GG and Zombie servers before and the admins are such assholes that they ban with no evidence and no reason. Ive seen it done before and I am sure you know of a few admins who did that in the past.

    Im not saying that he didn't do anything wrong, but i don't know half of these admins and who knows if they get banned for bullshit?

    Lets wait for Blue Devil tohugh

  5. Angry

    This is getting nowhere and I'm probably being ignored at this point. Can someone help no ones complained about me that I know of.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by ragemachine13 View Post
    This is getting nowhere and I'm probably being ignored at this point. Can someone help no ones complained about me that I know of.
    The only person thats has the rights to unbanned you wil be either Zero or a explanation from blue devil why he banned you.Your going to have to wait for either one.

  7. #7


    if i did ban i do not perma ban unless i have demo or it was for gay spray. so with that said i did not mean to perm a ban ya if i did sorry man .. please take him off the ban list . and dual thanks for letting me know i had a post !

    like i said on me of the perma ban. sorry

  8. Default

    It's np and it might not have even been you. I only said it was bc i hit tabs alot and noticed you. Probably was someone else bc I didn't do anything severe if I did anything. I'll be on as soon as I'm unbanned.

  9. #9

    Default cool

    lets play.. see you in server

  10. Default

    Am I getting unbanned from the ZM server?
    Last edited by ragemachine13; 09-14-2008 at 07:45 PM.

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