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My prank nearly killed someone: (LONG BUT A GOOD READ)
There was a friend of mine who got annoying after a while, so annoying i knew i had to prank him bad. So after some talks with a couple of his buddies, one of them slipped and told me he was a afraid of clowns. A HUGE PHOBIA problem.
So what i did was go to my universities computer lab and printed out over 200 hundreds pics of the worlds scariest clowns, especially many copies of "IT".
So what did that day was sneak into this dorm room while he was out at a club. While in the room i placed "nearly" all of the pics around his room, but in places he couldn't see instantly.
I went back to the dorm lobby where couple of our buddies where there and i told them what was going on, so they kept quiet. After a while the guy i was pranking shows up, looks at us weird, then walk to his room. After a while he comes back to the lobby running (nearly tripping) while holding his heart.
Well after catching his breathe he look at all of us and started yelling "WHO DID IT!", (imagine a huge black guy, red at the face, holding his chest). Who ever did it better go back and get rid of those pics!
Well then i busted out a stereo and started to play the music from the circus. He looked like he just had a stroke! he ran out of the room yelling!
We ran out to see where he went, i saw him go into his jeep. My friends were going to talk to him but i said hold on. After a couple of seconds You hear a super yell! and he runs out of his jeep then onto across the street! we didn't hear from him for 2 days!
(i put more pics and an "IT" costume into his jeep, amazing how easy it is to get into a jeep lol)